IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks
6–8 November 2023 // Edinburgh, Scotland // Edinburgh Napier University

Panel: 5G-enabled Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) for Sustainability and Net Zero Carbon (5G-CPS-NZ)

5G-enabled Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) for Sustainability and Net Zero Carbon (5G-CPS-NZ)

November 8, 2023

This industry panel will be a mixture of Technical Talks delivered by speakers whose expertise fall in the broad area of wireless communication, and Round Table discussions.

The Panel Discussion is on “5G-enabled Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) for Sustainability and Net Zero Carbon ", the panel will dive into the need, the means, and the potential of CPSs, enabled by 5G and cutting-edge connectivity solutions, in realizing the net-zero carbon target.

  • 5G-CPS-NZ Technical Talks – Time: 13.00-14.00

Room: River Suite, Craiglockart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University.

5G-CPS-NZ Invited Speakers and Panellists

Dr. David Owens

Head of Technical Trials at Virgin Media O2, UK

Talk Title - Empowering a Sustainable Future: The Pivotal Role of Mobile Connectivity in Achieving Net Zero by 2050

Biography David Owens is the Head of Technical Trials at Virgin Media O2, a Chartered Engineer (CEng), and a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (FIET). David's academic and industrial background comes with a wealth of knowledge & experience in the field of telecommunication, with a love for technical trials and innovation. David earned his MSc in Mobile & Satellite communications and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Surrey, where his research laid the groundwork for smart meter deployment in the UK. Outside his professional commitments, David is an avid UAV pilot and advocate, combining his technical expertise with his love for engineering and aviation, he spends his leisure time piloting FPV Drones and is a big supporter of the use of drones for good. David likes to engage with various engineering communities, where he likes to take part in conversations helping to inspire the next generation of engineers. Throughout his career, David's dedication to driving innovation and his unwavering commitment to engineering excellence have earned the respect of his colleagues and friends in the engineering community. David describes himself as an engineer, with a passion for bridging the gap between business & technology.

Abstract The global mobile industry, championed by GSMA, is forging ahead in its commitment to net zero emissions by 2050. Mobile operators, making up a significant share of industry revenue, are pledging to science-backed targets for substantial emission reductions, whilst enabling a tenfold decrease in other sectors. Virgin Media O2 stands at the forefront of this initiative, merging their strengths to target net zero carbon operations by 2025 and leveraging gigabit and 5G services to champion a sustainable UK. Their collaboration with GSMA is anchored in optimising current smart technologies across various industries


Dr. David Crawford 

Principal Consultant, Neutral Wireless, UK 

Talk Title - TBC

Biography David is 5G Projects Director at the University of Strathclyde and Principal Consultant for our spin-out company Neutral Wireless Ltd. He is the manager and lead on our core industry partnership 5G projects, including 5GRuralFirst, 5GRailNext, and 5G New Thinking. David has more than 25 years of experience in signal processing and telecommunications and has worked previously with Motorola and Epson Semiconductors. 

Abstract The advent of 5G, along with innovative approaches to spectrum access, have led to exciting new opportunities for private 5G networks providing connectivity solutions that are tailored for the particular applications and use cases being supported. Such networks complement the national public mobile networks and have the potential to enhance the overall usefulness of wireless connectivity. In this talk, David Crawford will outline some of the work that is being done by Neutral Wireless Ltd in the area of private 5G networks, and he will give some thoughts on how such approaches could contribute to net-zero targets and ambitions in the future.








5G-CPS-NZ Chairs 

Chair: Ahmad Taha

University of Glasgow, UK, (








Co-Chair: Mahmoud Shawky

University of Glasgow, UK (





